Entrevista aos Sangre Cavallum
Os Calaicos Sangre Cavallum concederam uma entrevista a um site suíço de dark-folk.
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- Let's talk about your forthcoming projects now... Can you tell us a bit more about the mini-cd and the new album that should be the next Sangre Cavallum releases? Will you continue, for this purpose, your collaboration with Michael Moynihan and his label Storm?
Our second album, "Pátria Granítica" (Granite Fatherland), is concerned with the theme of Stone and its power (as "a spiritual being") in our fatherland. It represents a new step in our music and it inspired forthcoming works.
"Barco do Vinho" (Wine Boat) is a mini-CD with three songs by Allerseelen and three songs by Sangre Cavallum. It was a close collaboration between both projects as we have recorded some of the material together in the distance and also here at Callaecia. The theme is 'Wine' and it will also include a couple of bottles for a special edition. It deals with our visions about wine and how it crowns the one who drinks it with dark-red and rusty foliage. It was also inspired by the image of Dionysus in the ship of grapes and the barrels (pipas) as boats with wine inside, a river or sea of endless emotions like our "Barcos Rabelos" who descended to the
Both releases will come out on Ahnstern. Storm will also collaborate with Sangre Cavallum for future releases.
- As a Callaecian, how do you see
I care for my old region Callaecia in every way concerning its survival and protection. I have a great respect the European fatherlands (and their endless peoples), but not for the nation-states which are united for the convenience of blind comfort and wealth. The absence of self-determination leads to a collective consensus for purely administrative purposes. No 'ethos' exists behind this non-primordial hegemony of contemporary
I do not feel part of anything apart from my native land.
- Which words do you consider as the most appropriate to describe the place where you live and more generally the North of Portugal/Galiza?
People, heritage, warrior culture, magic stones, a thousand haunted rivers, green hills, flaming sunset by the sea, healthy livestock, wine, Atlantic rain falling, everything falling... the soundtrack is made of narrative ballads, the storm of drums, the echoes of bagpipes or the watery sound of stringed instruments. Megalithic relics, Iron age settlements with their inspirational ruins of hillforts ('castros' and citânias'), the soil rich in metals and Lord Granite. Our warrior statues are the blood mark of northwestern
After twenty centuries of Christianity it's not bad!